Jul 11, 2023
"What do you do when you are unable to change the difficult situation you’re in? Even if you can’t change the circumstance, you are not a victim. Instead, you are empowered by the Holy Spirit to be victorious in the midst of your hard season." (Karen Harmon)
Karen’s Kairos Moment: Karen’s pastor CHALLENGED her...
Jun 27, 2023
What do you do when you are angry at, disillusioned with and disappointed in God? How do you handle that crisis of faith? My guest today, Karen Harmon, went through a major plot twist in her life, and it sent her to a really dark place.
Listen to today's episode to find out how Karen found her way through the suffering...
Jun 13, 2023
We're taking a deep dive into the woman behind the God-given dream. We can't compartmentalize our callings from the rest of our lives. They're all related, and each aspect has an influence on the other.
This episode is for:
Apr 12, 2023
Nov 1, 2022
The 5 tips I share to begin putting action behind your God-given dream are essential for the woman who wants to see that dream God has for her brought to fruition. You won't be able to move forward without them!